Weekly Earnings Outlook

Update 27 November

African Rainbow Cap Powers Up for Growth with Fully Committed Rights Offer

African Rainbow Capital Investments (JSE: AIL), has made a bold move to bolster its financial standing and seize promising growth prospects by announcing a fully committed and underwritten non-renounceable rights offer. This strategic initiative aims to raise a substantial R750 million, representing approximately 11% of the company’s market capitalization prior to the announcement.

This rights offer presents an exclusive opportunity for AIL’s existing shareholders to acquire additional shares at a discounted price, empowering them to further participate in the company’s growth trajectory. The proceeds from this capital-raising endeavor will be judiciously utilized to strengthen AIL’s balance sheet, laying a solid foundation for pursuing lucrative growth opportunities. Additionally, the non-renounceable aspect ensures that existing shareholders have the exclusive privilege to participate in this capital-raising exercise, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement.

Scheduled to commence in November 2023 and conclude in December 2023, the rights offer marks a significant milestone in AIL’s journey towards financial stability and sustainable growth. This strategic move underscores the company’s commitment to maximizing shareholder value and propelling itself to new heights of success.

Mr Price Group (JSE: MRP)

In a challenging economic climate, South African retail giant Mr Price Group (MRP) has delivered mixed results for the period ended September 30th, 2023. While revenue surged 26.4% to R16.8 billion, driven by the acquisition of Studio 88 Group (S88), profitability took a hit, with basic and headline earnings per share (EPS) declining 10.3% and 9.3%, respectively, to 448.8 cents and 449.9 cents.

Despite these profitability setbacks, MRP demonstrated resilience in the face of increasing inflation and supply chain disruptions, outperforming the market with 2.3% retail sales growth. This positive sales trend suggests that MRP is gaining market share and remains a popular choice among South African consumers.

The company’s decision to declare an interim gross cash dividend of 283.5 cents per share, a 9.3% decrease from the previous year, reflects a cautious approach amidst economic uncertainty. Nevertheless, this dividend declaration signals MRP’s commitment to returning value to shareholders.

MRP anticipates continued challenges in the near term but remains optimistic about its long-term growth prospects. The company is focusing on strengthening its online presence, enhancing supply chain efficiency, and expanding its product range to solidify its position in the South African retail landscape further.


Nvidia, has delivered an exceptional performance in its recent earnings report, showcasing a 206% year-over-year growth in revenue, reaching $18.12 billion. This surge is attributed to the company’s unwavering focus on innovation and its ability to cater to the burgeoning demand for AI chips across various industries. The data center segment stands out as a driving force behind Nvidia’s success, with revenue skyrocketing by 279% year-over-year, reaching $14.51 billion. The growth was fueled by the increasing adoption of AI in cloud computing, enterprise applications, and high-performance computing.

However, this growth was not enough for investors, who had expected even higher revenue. Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said the company still sees strong demand for its AI chips but faces some supply chain constraints. Huang also said that the company is investing heavily in its data center business, which is expected to be a major growth driver in the future.

Despite the supply chain constraints and the higher-than-expected revenue, Nvidia is still optimistic about its future prospects. The company is projecting revenue of $19.2 billion for quarter four of fiscal year 2024. Nvidia’s confidence stems from the continued growth of the data center market and its position as a leader in AI technology.

Sources: SENS; Moneyweb; Bloomberg; The Wall Street Journal; MarketWatch; CNBC

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