Main Factors that Affect Stock Prices
Multiple factors play a part in determining the price of equities. However, at the core of price movement is the supply and demand dynamics for the stock. If supply outweighs…
Multiple factors play a part in determining the price of equities. However, at the core of price movement is the supply and demand dynamics for the stock. If supply outweighs…
“In the wrong place at the wrong time” is the trending theme for Transaction Capital (JSE: TCP) as shares in the financial services company plummeted nearly 40% on Tuesday, the…
The banking sector is heating up for all the wrong reasons, but an unlikely contender is entering the digital banking and lending space in SA, and it’s non-other than Old…
With inflation a hot topic of late over the last year or so and the U.S. Federal Reserve seemingly hiking rates through the roof, market participants will be hoping for…
Reviewing some local earnings results, we look at Africa’s largest supermarket retailer, Shoprite Holdings Limited (JSE: SHP) and touch base with MTN’s (JSE: MTN) latest earnings results. We also highlight…
With 2023 getting off to a less-than-promising start for the general South African economy against the backdrop of persistent load-shedding and an expected decline in quarterly growth, we look at…
The US Non-Farm Payrolls report for February 2023 delivered another explosive upside surprise with another higher-than-expected jobs report. The Non-Farm Payroll employment report saw 311 000 new jobs added to the…