Crude Calculations: How to Trade the OPEC Meeting

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), often working alongside non-member oil producers in the OPEC+ alliance, holds regular meetings to discuss production quotas, a significant event for the oil market.  

These meetings can trigger significant price movements, attracting the attention of both seasoned traders and those new to the world of oil futures. But how do you navigate the market around these impactful events? 

Understanding the Fundamentals: 

The core element influencing oil prices during the OPEC meeting revolves around production decisions or quotas. If the organization decides to increase production, it can lead to a decline in oil prices due to an increase in supply. Conversely, a production cut can bolster prices due to tighter supply. However, it’s not as simple as one decision dictating the outcome. Here’s what you need to consider: 

  • Market Expectations: The market’s pre-meeting expectations play a crucial role. If the decision aligns with these expectations, the impact on prices might be muted. However, a surprise decision, especially a production cut exceeding expectations, could trigger a sharp price increase
  • Geopolitical Tensions: Ongoing geopolitical tensions, particularly in major oil-producing regions, can add a layer of uncertainty and potentially propel prices upward even if OPEC+ decides to increase production. 

Examining the Technical Landscape: 

While fundamentals paint the big picture, technical analysis can provide valuable insights into potential price movements around the meeting. Here are some key technical aspects to consider: 

  • Price Action Leading Up to the Meeting: Observe how oil prices behave in the days and weeks leading up to the meeting. A sustained upward movement could indicate market anticipation of a production cut, while a downward trend might suggest expectations of increased production. 
  • Support and Resistance Levels: Identify key technical support and resistance levels on the oil price chart. These levels might become crucial breakout points if the OPEC+ decision triggers a significant price movement. 
  • Trading Volume: Monitor trading volume closely. Spikes in volume often accompany significant price movements, and observing volume changes around the meeting announcement can provide insights into market sentiment. 

Exploring Trading Strategies: 

While the OPEC+ meeting can present potential trading opportunities, it’s crucial to remember that trading always carries inherent risks. Here are some general trading strategies to consider, but remember, these are for educational purposes only and do not constitute financial advice: 

  • Directional Trading: Based on your analysis of both fundamental and technical factors, you can take a directional trade, buying if you anticipate a price increase due to a production cut or selling if you expect a price decline due to increased production. 
  • Volatility Trading: Regardless of the direction, the OPEC+ meeting can lead to increased market volatility. Options trading strategies can be employed to capitalize on this volatility, allowing you to profit from price movements without necessarily predicting the direction. 
  • Hedging: If you hold existing positions in oil-related assets, consider hedging strategies to mitigate potential risks associated with the OPEC+ meeting outcome. 

Case Study: Trading the Week of OPEC Meetings: 

It’s important to acknowledge that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. However, looking at historical data can provide some context. While every OPEC meeting is unique, based on data from the past ten meetings, oil futures have experienced weekly declines in eight of them, with an average decline of 6.16%. However, there have also been exceptions, with meetings in October 2022 and April 2023 recording significant gains of 16.88% and 6.29%, respectively. 

While these figures can offer a starting point for understanding historical trends, it’s crucial to remember that every OPEC meeting is unique, and the outcome can be influenced by a multitude of factors. 


  • The OPEC+ meeting is just one factor influencing oil prices, and other market forces like global economic conditions and unexpected events can also play a significant role. 
  • Do your own thorough research and analysis before making any trading decisions. This includes not only the latest oil market trends but also your own risk tolerance and financial goals. 


By understanding the fundamentals, technicals, and potential trading strategies, you can be better equipped to navigate the market movements surrounding the OPEC meeting. Remember, thorough research, risk management, and a neutral perspective are crucial when it comes to navigating the ever-evolving world of oil futures trading. 

Sources: TradingView, Trading Economics, OPEC+, EIA. 

Piece written by Mfanafuthi Mhlongo, Trive Financial Market Analyst 

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